Qualifying Events

Protect your fees in case the unexpected happens.

Sports seasons can be cut short by accidents, injuries, sickness, employment transfers, home relocations, military service, the list goes on. Most sports organizations enforce a nonrefundable registration fee policy regardless of when in the season you may have to leave the field of play.

Protect My Registration is here to help. We will return the unused portion of your registration fees if your season is cut short due to one of the covered reasons:



Death in the Family

Car Accident

Job Transfer

Active Service


Reimburses full, forfeited, event cost up to the Maximum Limit shown above, if you cannot attend an event or reimburses the pro-rated unused portion of the non-refundable cost paid for an event up to the Maximum Limit shown above, if your attendance of the event is discontinued after the start date due to any of the following Unforeseen events:

  • Your or your family members’ sickness, injury, or death. 
  • Your sickness or injury or sickness or injury of your family member traveling with you must be so disabling as to reasonably prevent you from attending the event or which results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a physician at the time of loss preventing your completion of the event. 
  • Sickness of a family member not traveling with you must be because their condition is life-threatening as to reasonably prevent you from attending the event or they require your immediate care. 
  • Your, or your parent or legal guardian if you are a Child, Primary Residence being made Uninhabitable or inaccessible by Natural Disaster, vandalism, or burglary. 
  • You are subpoenaed, required to serve on a jury, required to appear as a witness in a legal action, provided you are not: 1) a party to the legal action; or 2) appearing as a law enforcement officer. 
  • You, or your parent or legal guardian if you are a Child, is called to active military service as a reservist, firefighter, or police staff; to provide aid or relief in the event of a natural disaster, or military leave is revoked or reassigned. 
  • You have complications of pregnancy and or a normal pregnancy or childbirth. Complications of pregnancy or normal pregnancy or childbirth must occur after your effective date of coverage and can be verified by medical records.
  • You are directly involved in or delayed due to a traffic accident, substantiated by a police report, while en route to the Event. 
  • You, or your parent or legal guardian if you are a Child, have an involuntary employer-initiated permanent transfer within the same organization of 250 or more miles which requires your primary principal residence to be relocated provided that you have been an active employee with the same employer for at least 5 continuous years. Notification of the transfer must occur after the effective date of coverage and the transfer must occur within 30 days of the start date. 
  • You, or your parent or legal guardian if you are a Child, becomes legally separated or divorced after the effective date of the Event Cancellation coverage. Cancellation must occur within 21 days of the legal separation or divorce. 
  • You being the victim of a Felonious Assault within 10 days prior to the start date or during the event. No coverage is provided for Felonious Assault committed by another Insured, Family Member, Traveling Companion, or Traveling Companion’s Family Member.
  • See full exclusions here
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